The Impact of Gamification on the Time-Limited Writing Performance of English Majors
The Impact of Gamification on the Time-Limited Writing Performance of English Majors
The Impact of Gamification on the Time-Limited Writing Performance of English Majors
By Zhou Zhihao and Yu Zhonggen
“In recent years, gamification has developed vigorously in the field of education and there is also a certain amount of research on gamification in the field of foreign language teaching. However, there are few kinds of research on gamification and second foreign language writing, especially the research on gamification and second foreign language time-limited writing, which is still blank at present. This research starts from four aspects: gamification and learners’ engagement in class, the effect of gamification on the overall writing abilities, the best gamification degree for writing, and participants’ attitude towards gamification in writing practice. The research conducts empirical research to evaluate the role of gamification in time-limited writing in foreign languages. The research results show that gamification has a significant role in promoting the learning of time-limited writing but it is necessary to pay attention to the setting of various elements of gamification. Once the learner’s reward reaches the highest value, the effect of gamification will begin to weaken. At the same time, as to some limitations of gamification, like the short duration of gamification effectiveness, suggestions have also been put forward for further research.”
Zhihao, Z., &Zhonggen, Y. (2022). The impact of gamification on the time-limited writing performance of English majors. Retrieved May 23, 2022, from
Gamification, writing, English, engagement, effectiveness, research