Didactic Games and Gamification in Education
Didactic Games and Gamification in Education
Didactic Games and Gamification in Education
By Mohammad Eidah Messfer Almalki
“This paper undertakes educational games and gamification, their features, importance, and integration into the educational process. Besides outlining features, benefits, and difficulties, it highlights the difference between gaming, gamification, and game-based learning. The article contends that game-based learning and gamification elements such as reward, completion, and cooperation develop students' positive attitudes toward the curriculum and boost their learning motivation.”
Almalki, M. (2022). Didactic games and gamification in Education. Retrieved May 24, 2022, from https://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO202213341763835.page
Didactic games, gamification, apps, educational games, learning motivation, research