Evaluation of Gamified Training A Solomon Four-Group Analysis of the Impact of Gamification on Learning Outcomes
Evaluation of Gamified Training A Solomon Four-Group Analysis of the Impact of Gamification on Learning Outcomes
Evaluation of Gamified Training A Solomon Four-Group Analysis of the Impact of Gamification on Learning Outcomes
By Sridevi Nair and Jain Mathew
“Gamification is the application of game elements to non-game contexts. The process of gamification has been found to improve engagement levels, motivate participation and improve outcomes of activities. The primary focus of Gamification research has
been on understanding how it can improve the process of learning, especially in academics or education. The impact of gamification in the organizational context is still relatively unexplored. The current study attempts to provide evidence supporting
the use of gamification in organizational training. The study adopted an experimental methodology and is set in the context of organizations in India. The findings suggest that potential learners responded more positively to the gamified module and the knowledge gained was also higher through the gamified module. The gamified module also resulted in higher learner motivation. Thus, the current study provide support for the Theory of Gamified Learning that proposes that Gamification would increase Learner Motivation and thereby improve Learner reaction to the training and increase Learning.”
Nair, S., & Mathew, J. (2021). Evaluation of gamified training a solomon four-group analysis of the impact of gamification on learning outcomes. TechTrends, 65(5), 750-759. doi:10.1007/s11528-021-00651-3 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11528-021-00651-3
Gamification, learner motivation, learning, reaction, training, research