Defining motivation in video game-based training: Exploring the differences between measures of motivation
Defining motivation in video game-based training: Exploring the differences between measures of motivation
Defining motivation in video game-based training: Exploring the differences between
measures of motivation
By Diana R. Sanchez, Tristan Nelson, Kurt Kraiger, Erik Weiner, Yucheng Lu and Jasmine Schnall
“Game-based training research has produced various definitions and measures for learner motivation. Inconsistent findings on learner motivation may have contributed to the misapplication of one type of motivation to explain another; inhibiting future research and generating false implications. This study compared 172 students in game-based or computer-based training learning French. Results showed unique relationships
between three measures of learner motivation (i.e. motivation to learn, intrinsic motivation and engagement). Motivation to learn did not differ between conditions,
while intrinsic motivation and engagement did. A significant portion of the variance in content reactions was explained by all three measures of motivation, while
variance for technology reactions was explained only by the motivation to learn and engagement. None of the measures for motivation accounted for significant variance in declarative or procedural knowledge. Results indicate key differences in three measures of motivation.”
Sanchez, D. R., Nelson, T., Kraiger, K., Weiner, E., Lu, Y., & Schnall, J. (2021). Defining motivation in video game‐based training: Exploring the differences between measures of motivation. International Journal of Training and Development. doi:10.1111/ijtd.12233
Motivation, video game, game-based training, intrinsic motivation, engagement, computer-based training, research