Gamification Based Performance Evaluation System A New Model Suggestion
Gamification Based Performance Evaluation System A New Model Suggestion
Gamification Based Performance Evaluation System A New Model Suggestion
Ayhan Artar, Bahman Huseynli
“This study suggests a new model of gamification based performance evaluation. In recent years, issues related to performance evaluation, its measurement and management have been on the agenda. At the same time, new applications have emerged about the digitalization of business processes, one of which is gamification. In this respect, the aim of the study is to suggest a new model of gamification based performance evaluation. The study is an exploratory research and is concerned with the creation of a new model by exploiting different theories. When the literature was examined, there were not many academic studies about gamification and performance evaluation. The main motivation for the development of such a model is the development of a new performance evaluation model against traditional performance appraisal systems. The proposed new gamification based performance evaluation model is a modality that can be characterized as more enjoyable than functionality and allows employees to engage”.
Artara, A., & Huseynlib, B. (2017). Gamification Based Performance Evaluation System: A New Model Suggestion. In ReaserchGate. Conference Paper· November.
Gamification, Evaluation, Development