Evolution of Serious Games to Support Lifelong Learning and Decision Making: Design and Implementation of a Financial Literacy Game
Evolution of Serious Games to Support Lifelong Learning and Decision Making: Design and Implementation of a Financial Literacy Game
Evolution of Serious Games to Support Lifelong Learning and Decision Making: Design and Implementation of a Financial Literacy Game
Rasco Aldrich, Chan Johnny, Peko Gabrielle, Sundaram David
“Considering the economic changes of recent time, financial literacy arises as a focal point of interest. COVID-19, coupled with the culmination of other societal issues, underlines the importance of understanding sensible personal finance. Nationwide lockdown and other economic constraints put us in immobilised positions to confide in safe and accessible entertainment havens such as games. Herein lies an interesting research opportunity to progress personal wellbeing and capability despite the extant issues of recent times. The paper demonstrates the design and implementation of an evolving serious game that supports lifelong learning and decision making relating to personal finance. The example is a useful account of serious games’ evolutionary potential to incrementally support users through lifelong learning. The game’s holistic design incorporates autonomy, motivation, and support structures to ensure that lifelong learning and decision making is effectively managed through an evolving system. The corresponding implementation evidences the sheer potential of serious games”.
Rasco, A., Chan, J., Peko, G., & Sundaram, D. (2021, January). Evolution of Serious Games to Support Lifelong Learning and Decision Making: Design and Implementation of a Financial Literacy Game. In Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (p. 64). https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/70619
decision making, evolution, financial literacy