Fostering Creative Thinking Through Gamification in History Learning
Fostering Creative Thinking Through Gamification in History Learning
Fostering Creative Thinking Through Gamification in History Learning
Oka Agus Kurniawan Shavab, Nana Supriatna, Leli Yulifar, Agus Mulyana
"This paper aims to describe how to foster creative thinking through gamification in history learning. The existence of this goal is motivated by the problem of low creative thinking in history learning. This problem the author observes is based on a literature study on historical learning research. One solution that can be done is to do gamification in history learning. Gamification is a learning activity by utilizing game elements in it. In its implementation, a platform or Learning Management System is needed that provides these elements. The research method used in this paper is to use a literature review. This method is a research method that discusses systematically identifying, evaluating and synthesizing research results that have been published. One of the objectives of the literature review is to analyze and synthesize the topics under study and discover new things from the research being studied. Several studies have attempted to involve creative thinking through gamification in learning, and the result is that gamification can foster and enhance students’ creative thinking. To see the growth of creative thinking can be seen during the learning process by using gamification on task elements, namely tasks that must be completed by students, such as working on questions. In this element, the teacher must design the question by including each discussion of the answer in the form of a video, text, or image."
Shavab, O. A. K., Supriatna, N., Yulifar, L., & Mulyana, A. (2022, December). Fostering Creative Thinking Through Gamification in History Learning. In Annual Conference on Research, Educational Implementation, Social Studies and History (AREISSH 2021) (pp. 144-150). Atlantis Press.
Gamification, History, Learning