Supply chains are playing games: A review literature on Gamification in supply chain
Supply chains are playing games: A review literature on Gamification in supply chain
Supply chains are playing games: A review literature on Gamification in supply chain
Kalya Lakshmi Sainath, Korcha Teja Sai
"Supply chains are changing due to changes in the global environment and to make the strategies effective most of the companies are striving towards the trends in the supply chain. Among the trends gamification is one of those that are creating an impact in the workspace with the techniques that are associated with it. Gamification in the supply chain had the least application and this study gave a road map for the decision makers like supply chain managers with the help of reviewing papers from the databases that are available. Findings say that giants like Amazon and Starbucks are applying gamification techniques to bring more transparency and visibility to reduce errors and to mitigate errors. This paper is providing evidence from the different activities like order management, warehousing activities with case applications are discussed. We conducted systematic literature review with 118 papers on gamification and 22 found relevant to the supply chain and its activities."
Sainath, K., & Sai, K. (2023). Supply chains are playing games: A review literature on Gamification in supply chain. Journal of Future Sustainability, 3(1), 59-66.
Gamification, Supply chain Management, Productivity