The impact of digital games in higher education: a case study in communication in English for tourism III
The impact of digital games in higher education: a case study in communication in English for tourism III
The impact of digital games in higher education: a case study in communication in English for tourism III
By Esther Linares
"The increase of digital games, beginning in the mid-1990s, and the more recent development of massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) have enlarged the possibilities for players to interact in and with foreign languages, sometimes involving multiple languages synchronously (Cornille et al., 2012). The present study shows that the incorporation of ICT with digital games in ESP enables the creation of a virtual environment that changes the learning process from a traditional passive experience to one of discovery, exploration, and excitement in a less stressful setting. In particular, we carried out a survey during the year 2021-2022 to explore students' perceptions of and attitudes towards the use of digital game apps in the course Communication in English for Tourism III, which is taught at the University of Valencia (Spain). Our findings show that students' viewpoints towards the use of digital games were found to be highly positive, which contributed to creating a pleasanter classroom environment and fostered a better academic outcome."
Linares Bernabéu, E. (2022). The impact of digital games in higher education: a case study in communication in English for tourism III. The impact of digital games in higher education: a case study in communication in English for tourism III., 153-161.
games, digital, students