Online Quest Game as a Tool for Enhancing Learning in Research
Online Quest Game as a Tool for Enhancing Learning in Research
Online Quest Game as a Tool for Enhancing Learning in Research
Ma. Sharmaine Solis Jabonero
"Several studies show that challenges occur in the online distance learning modality. Thus, it is a must for educators to adapt and explore different teaching strategies and develop interventions to cope up with the difficulties. The primary purpose of this study was to determine if an online quest game can enhance learning in an online research class. Thirty (30) students were divided into control and experimental group. The latter group was exposed to the intervention, a quest game learning approach using Classcraft, an online platform. Pre-test and post-test scores were collected for data analysis. Results indicated that students exposed to the online quest game gained better scores than those who were not. This research provided evidence that the use of online quest games could support and increase the research learning outcome. Thus, the using quest games in online classes is an effective tool for enhancing students’ learning."
Jabonero, M. S. Online quest game as a tool for enhancing learning in research. Blended learning during pandemic in India: stakeholders ‘perspective, 57.
Gamification, Research, Quest Game