Merits of Gamification: Transmediality and Spatiality of Walden, a Game
Merits of Gamification: Transmediality and Spatiality of Walden, a Game
Merits of Gamification: Transmediality and Spatiality of Walden, a Game
Renata Elizampetta Ntelia
"This paper examines gamification as the remediation of an already published text into a game. It expands on the original understanding of the term by positioning it within the discourse of transmedia storytelling. Using Walden, a Game as a case-study, it is argued that it is better approached as a gamified rendering of the titular text in a virtual environment rather than a self-contained game. This argument is supported through formal analysis of the game's spatial design and comparative analysis with other game adaptations of published books as well as Walden, the book as the source text of the game. It is shown that Walden, a Game constitutes a superficial and limited remediation of its original text if it is considered as a game. Instead, it is proposed that it provides a gamified access to its source material and it is in this facilitation wherein its contribution lies. In this, gamification is extrapolated as an alternative entry point to an established work with its own affordances and merits."
Ntelia, R. E. (2023, April). Merits of Gamification: Transmediality and Spatiality of Walden, a Game. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (pp. 1-6).
Gamification, Transmedia storytelling, Remediation