Gamification of Work Tasks: Effects of Mixed and Individual Game Design Elements on Motivation and Performance
Gamification of Work Tasks: Effects of Mixed and Individual Game Design Elements on Motivation and Performance
Gamification of Work Tasks: Effects of Mixed and Individual Game Design Elements on Motivation and Performance
Marcel Borgsen
"Gamification uses elements of game-designing on mundane tasks to enhance
motivation and performance. This study aimed to investigate the effects of gamification on performance, intrinsic motivation and amotivation while doing work tasks. Using a randomized experimental design with the game design elements reward badges and character choice, gamification of in-tray exercises commonly used in Assessment Centres as work tasks were explored. In addition, each game design element was investigated. The results showed that character choice and reward badges had a negative effect on intrinsic motivation (F (1,93) = 12.600, p = <.001) while being positive on amotivation (F (1, 93)= 11.862, p = <.001). Despite the lower levels of intrinsic motivation, gamification still had a positive effect on performance (F (1, 93) = 10.717, p < .001) due to lower amotivation. The results showed that Gamification has the potential to enhance performance in Assessment Centres and therefore the validity of used methods like in-tray exercises. In future studies, the effects on motivation and performance of individual and mixed game design elements with intrinsic and extrinsic motivational aspects should be researched."
Borgsen, M. (2023). Gamification of Work Tasks: Effects of Mixed and Individual Game Design Elements on Motivation and Performance.
Gamification, Game Design Elements, Motivation