Diverse Development and Future Challenges of Game-Based Learning and Gamified Teaching Research
Diverse Development and Future Challenges of Game-Based Learning and Gamified Teaching Research
Diverse Development and Future Challenges of Game-Based Learning and Gamified Teaching Research
Huei-Tse Hou
"Play is one of the most important activities in human life. To promote the motivation and effectiveness of learners, the use of games in various areas of teaching is becoming increasingly common. Among them, game-based learning emphasizes the design of educational games that can achieve learning objectives. On the other hand, gamification focuses on the use of game mechanics and elements (e.g., points, badges, interactive rules, etc.) to make learning activities fun. These two strategies of using games in teaching and learning not only have the potential to enhance motivation and performance, but also promote the key competencies of learners, such as problem solving, collaborative communication, and strategic thinking. Although there has been a great deal of research on the use of games in education, with the development of technology (e.g., metaverse) and changes in the global environment (e.g., the impact of pandemics), the use of educational games or gamified teaching activities in teaching practice needs to be continuously innovated and evaluated to dynamically bridge the gap between academic research and teaching practice at any time. In this regard, this Special Issue focuses on research on the use of educational games or gamification mechanisms in teaching practice, or reviews of previous research in this area."
Hou, H. T. (2023). Diverse development and future challenges of game-based learning and gamified teaching research. Education Sciences, 13(4), 337. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/13/4/337
Game-based learning, Gamification, Educational games