Stimulating Suspense in Gamified Virtual Reality Sports: Effect on Flow, Fun, and Behavioral Intention
Stimulating Suspense in Gamified Virtual Reality Sports: Effect on Flow, Fun, and Behavioral Intention
Stimulating Suspense in Gamified Virtual Reality Sports: Effect on Flow, Fun, and Behavioral Intention
ByJun-Phil Uhm,Sanghoon Kim and Hyun-Woo Lee
“In this study, the effect of sense of suspense on flow experience, perceived fun in sports, and intention to use virtual reality platforms for the sport participation were examined. An experiment was implemented to compare gamified virtual reality experiences where a sense of suspense was stimulated by outcome uncertainty. Virtual reality sports content programmed with artificial intelligence was developed for experimentation. A multivariate analysis of covariance analysis was conducted to test established hypotheses. The experimental group with a higher sense of suspense presented higher flow, fun, and usage intention. While most studies have centered on one’s response to the entity that stimulates suspense, this study emphasizes the significance of gamification using suspense to induce targeted behavioral intentions. The authors further discuss the implications to scholars and practitioners..”
Uhm, J.-P., Kim, S., & Lee, H.-W. (2022). Stimulating suspense in gamified virtual reality sports: Effect on flow, fun, and behavioral intention. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–13.
Gamification, behavioral, experiences, fun, sports, artificial intelligence, research