Implementation of Gamification in Mathematics M-Learning Application to Creating Student Engagement
Implementation of Gamification in Mathematics M-Learning Application to Creating Student Engagement
Implementation of Gamification in Mathematics M-Learning Application to Creating Student Engagement
By Sufa Atin, Raihan Abdan Syakuran and Irawan Afrianto
“Mathematics is one of the main subjects in school. In some schools, the learning methods used are still using conventional methods, namely lectures and exercises. The main difficulty in learning mathematics is how to make the material presented more interesting so that it does not make students bored and easy to understand the material. The use of an attitude of interest in games that knows no age and the various advantages of games gives rise to a combination of learning mechanisms called gamification. Gamification is the process of applying game mechanics to non-game activities to increase user interactivity. Gamification in the m-learning mathematics application was developed using the Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS) learning model and the octalysis framework gamification method. Gamification in this mathematics m-learning application applies a game strategy using a system of levels, missions, challenges, points, progress bars, leader boards, and badges. The results of this study indicate that this application can be used as an alternative medium for learning mathematics and student engagement with the result that gamification applied to the m-learning mathematics application can increase student interest by 35%, increase student motivation by 33%, and improve understanding 42% of students towards learning mathematics.”
Atin, S., Syakuran, R. A., &; Afrianto, I. (2022). Implementation of gamification in Mathematics M-learning application to creating student engagement. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 13(7).
Gamification, mathematics, student, engagement, learning,research