Design and development of a game-engine-based simulator specialised on ships evacuation
Design and development of a game-engine-based simulator specialised on ships evacuation
Design and development of a game-engine-based simulator specialised on ships evacuation
By George Kougioumtzoglou, Anastasios Theodoropoulos and Georgios Lepouras
Modern ships have become larger in scale and function, and their complexity has increased considerably. This brings up many difficulties in evacuation and rescue when an emergency occurs. Therefore, effective evacuation and risk methods should be predicted and applied to design, safety training, and education. We have developed a three-dimensional ship evacuation simulator (SES) facilitating the impersonation of evacuees by computer-controlled autonomous bots (agents) that perform risk assessment and continuously calculate route conditions, communicate with neighboring occupants, determine bottleneck points, and select the best evacuation routes. In this study, we introduce the simultaneous participation of human users and computer-controlled bots as evacuees in gamified multiplayer scenarios by the runtime spawning of 3D elements such as fire and smoke. SES is a game-engine-based simulator with several benefits such as flexible technology and economic feasibility. We believe that realistic and valid results can be obtained by applying SES in evacuation simulation..”
Kougioumtzoglou, G., Laboratory, H., Theodoropoulos, A., & Lepouras, G. (2022, July 07). Design and development of a game-engine-based simulator specialised on ships evacuation. Retrieved August 11, 2022, from
Lightweight simulator, passenger ship, evacuation model, crowd simulation, human-computer interaction, virtual engineering, intelligent agent, evacuation simulation, USA, research