
Gamifying Serious Games: Modding Modern Board Games to Teach Game Potentials

Gamifying Serious Games: Modding Modern Board Games to Teach Game Potentials

Gamifying Serious Games: Modding Modern Board Games to Teach Game Potentials

By Micael Sousa


“The growing interest in game-based approaches is evident. But establishing Gamification and Serious Game processes are challenging, especially when there are few available resources and game design knowledge. Low-tech and low-budget games can be the solution to learn and foster game-based approaches. We propose a method where modern board games were successfully adapted, through a modding process, to deliver a game-based experience to adult students, allowing them to learn about serious games and gamification as tools to train skills. Ice-breaking exercises and an expositive lecture introduced game-based approaches. Selected modern board games to play with students were adapted previously through interactive playtest with hobby gamers. The final play session was done during a one-day session, playing seven different modified board games followed by debriefing stages, discussion, and evaluation of each experience. Students were able to identify the skills defined for each game and differentiate between gamification and serious game approaches.”


Sousa, M. (2022, July 27). Gamifying serious games: Modding modern board games to teach game potentials. Retrieved August 11, 2022, from


Analog games, board games, gamification, modding, serious games, research