Innovating Education: I-Gime for Learning
Innovating Education: I-Gime for Learning
Innovating Education: I-Gime for Learning
By Suhaida Halamy, Nurfaizah Kamarudin and Mohsinin Mohsin
“Covid 19 has been around us for more than two years even now. During that time, various teaching innovations have been created by educators at the tertiary education level to make online learning more enjoyable. Many ideas and inspirations are released to produce quality and appropriate innovations to help students. Therefore, we have taken this initiative by creating a form of game-based learning named i-GIME, which is more innovative and flexible for undergraduate students. The innovation is designed to combat boredom in online learning and overcome unfriendly learning environments, such as lack of engagement, motivation, and communication. This paper aims to introduce i-GIME game-based learning as an innovation and solution to accelerate the adaptation of learning in the new normal era. i-GIME act as a supplementary tool to assist academicians and students with self-learning in an entertaining way to improve the educational quality. i-GIME is significant in encouraging students’ engagement to ensure the learning outcomes of the subjects are achievable. Game-based learning can complement teaching methods to achieve teaching and education goals.”
Halamy, S., Kamarudin, N., & ; Mohsin, M. (2022). Innovating Education: I-Gime for Learning. International Journal of Education and Pedagogy.
Gamification, learning, game-based learning, students, motivation,research