Strategies for Effective Use of Gamification Technology in E-Learning and E-Assessment
Strategies for Effective Use of Gamification Technology in E-Learning and E-Assessment
Strategies for Effective Use of Gamification Technology in E-Learning and E-Assessment
By Fatima Vapiwala and Deepika Pandita
“The rapid technological shift caused by the pandemic in the field of education has compelled Indian educational institutions to adopt e-learning and e-assessment as a primary approach. The use of gamification software and technology the student assessment and evaluation plays a significant role in student engagement. A structured interview method was used for conducting this study and 200 responses were collected from post-graduate students through an interview process. The study provides significant insights into the crucial role of gamification not just in elearning but also in e-assessment of the students especially after the pandemic in the educational sector. The authors also propose a 5E model as a part of the strategy to be adopted by the Indian academicians and educators for utilizing gamification technology in e-learning and eassessment in the most beneficial way for the students.”
Vapiwala, F., & Pandita, D. (2022). Strategies for effective use of Gamification Technology in e-learning and E-assessment. 2022 7th International Conference on Business and Industrial Research (ICBIR). doi:10.1109/icbir54589.2022.9786495
Gamification, technology, software, e-learning, student assessment, pandemic, research