The Gap between Theoretical and Practical Understanding of Gamification
The Gap between Theoretical and Practical Understanding of Gamification
The Gap between Theoretical and Practical Understanding of Gamification
By Sanita Leimane, Iveta Ludviga, and Maija Zakrizevska-Belogrudova
“Gamification is a topical issue through the last decade for researchers and practitioners involved in education, marketing, business, and organizational consulting. Research has shown that gamification has a special role to play in organizations - it helps to select and develop the best talents,thereby developing the organization as well as it helps to achieve individual and collective goals more successful. Gamification is also used to improve corporate relationships with customers to ensure their loyalty and involvement. There is a lot of discussion about gamification, but at the same time there is often a lack of a common understanding of this concept. This study aims to investigate how the concept of gamification is understood and explained by an ordinary person, as well as where the gamification experience is gained from. The questionnaire developed by the authors consists of three parts: associations regarding the gamification definition, free form interpretation of the gamification concept, as well as the personal experience of the respondents related to gamification in certain environments such as professional development courses, educational establishments, or work. This Mixed-method research includes both qualitative and quantitative data. The questionnaire was sent to the respondents electronically, it was filled in online mode. 436 responses were received. Research Shows that the understanding of the gamification concept is very different and contrary to the theorists assertions – the concept is far from mature at this stage. Gamification is still an untapped resource among the Latvian organizations - therefore it is important to promote this concept within organizational as well as in the educational environment, thus promoting and developing the participants' experience in gamification.”
Leimane, S., Ludviga, I., & Zakrizevska -Belogrudova, M. (2022). The gap between theoretical and practical understanding of Gamification. Rural Environment. Education. Personality (REEP). doi:10.22616/reep.2022.15.025
Gamification, organization, game-based learning, engagement., research