Gamification Based Assessment in Pandemic Process: Game Programming Course
Gamification Based Assessment in Pandemic Process: Game Programming Course
Gamification Based Assessment in Pandemic Process: Game Programming Course
By Ebru Yılmaz İnce
“This research was carried out in order to increase students’ participation and motivation of learning with distance education duringthe Covid-19 pandemic process. It is aimed to determine the effects of including gamification elements in the game programminglesson on students' motivation and activeparticipation in the lesson in the pandemic process. Gamification base assessment isrealized according to student performance within the framework. Qualitative research method was used, in order to collectqualitative data open-ended questions were applied. In this study, the participants were in computer programming. According tothe research results motivation, active participation, gamification method and gamification base assessment categories arefounded. Gamification method category has socialization, socialmedia usage, participation and motivation codes. And gamificationbase assessment category has fair, appropriate and performance codes. Thus, according to the research finding, it has beendetermined that gamification has positive effects on learning.”
İnce, E. (2022, April 18). Gamification Based Assessment in pandemic process: Game programming course. Retrieved June 4, 2022, from
Gamification, game programming course, motivation, participation, distance education. research