Education and Innovations in the context of modern problems
Education and Innovations in the context of modern problems
Education and Innovations in the context of modern problems
ByBonalaKondal and Shouket Ahmad Tilwani
“COVID 19 has transformed everything, without restricting the field of education and the way of language learning and assessment. Technology has transfigured almost all walks of life. The pandemic has changed the trend of testing language learning from traditional to web-based platforms. The purpose of language testing is to evaluate learners' proficiency. The present study attempts to investigate the use of gamification on web-based platforms in language learning and assessment. The objective of the study is to employ online games on a variety of web-based platforms for language learning and testing Gamification has evolved considerably for the last few years due to the prevailing situation in the world. Gamification is the selection of game aspects for non-game purposes (Werbach & Hunter, 2012) to promote gamified testing via web-based platforms. The sixty professional engineering students formed the sample for the study. As part of the study, the students' questionnaires were administered to obtain the data from the participants. The findings discovered that the language learning and testing become fun, motivating and less terrifying for the learners. Thus, it is advocated to adopt gamification in language learning and testing to enhance motivation and increase students' learning experience in an educational context.”
Kondal, B., & Tilwani, S. A. (2022, June). Education and innovations in the context of modern problems. Retrieved June 8, 2022, from
Gamification, web-based platforms, language testing, language assessment, research