Science Gamers, Citizen Scientists, and Dabblers: Characterizing Player Engagement in Two Citizen Science Games
Science Gamers, Citizen Scientists, and Dabblers: Characterizing Player Engagement in Two Citizen Science Games
Science Gamers, Citizen Scientists, and Dabblers: Characterizing Player Engagement in Two Citizen Science Games
ByJian Tang and Nathan R. Prestopnik
“Our understanding of volunteers’ engagement in citizen science games is limited, and the impact of gamefulness on volunteer engagement requires further investigation. In this study, we adopted a data-driven approach, exploring volunteers’ psychological and behavioral engagement in two citizen science games: Forgotten Island and Happy Match. We performed a cluster analysis based on the quantity and accuracy of volunteers’ contributed data and conducted a qualitative content analysis of player survey responses to open-ended survey questions. We combined the results of the clustering analysis and the content analysis to identify and characterize three player groups based on their engagement patterns: “science gamers,” “citizen scientists,” and “dabblers.” Our identification of this three-group typology of citizen science players enhances our understanding of volunteers’ contribution and engagement patterns, and we provide design recommendations that may help scientists and designers to refine their own citizen science game initiatives.”
Tang, J., &; Prestopnik, N. R. (n.d.). Science Gamers, Citizen Scientists, and Dabblers: Characterizing Player Engagement in Two Citizen Science Games. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction. doi:10.1080/10447318.2022.2072453
Gamification, science, players, gamers, questions, survey, research