Gamifying psychological assessment
Gamifying psychological assessment
Gamifying psychological assessment
By Borna Fatehi, ChristofferHolmgård, Sam Snodgrass, and Casper Harteveld
“Gamification and serious games have the capacity to increase engagement in often non-engaging contexts such as a test. In thisstudy, we gamified a psychological test, the Thematic ApperceptionTest (TAT), with the player motivation concepts of achievement,exploration, and social interactions. We used the platform Study-Crafter to implement our games and ran a study to test the effectiveness of this gamified psychological assessment. All participantscompleted both the standard version of the TAT and our gamifiedversions and rated their experience in each setting through self-reports. Our results show that the gamified versions of the TATprovided a more enjoyable and motivating experience than the standard version. We conclude that gamifyingpsychological tests haspotential for increasing motivation in psychological assessmentswhile questions of validity remain to be addressed.”
Fatehi, B., Holmgård, C., Snodgrass, S., &; Harteveld, C. (2019). Gamifying psychological assessment. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. doi:10.1145/3337722.3337737
Gamification, serious games, psychological assessment, engagement, thematic apperception test, research