Motivation through gamification: a Self-Determination Theory perspective for the design of an adaptive reward system
Motivation through gamification: a Self-Determination Theory perspective for the design of an adaptive reward system
Motivation through gamification: a Self-Determination Theory perspective for the design of an adaptive reward system
By Brunella Botte, Henk Aarts, Sander Bakkes, and Remco Veltkamp
“Research on the nature and origins of human motivation has addressed the role of rewards in learning and behaviour. Gamification findsits raison d'être in being able to leverage motivational theories, to foster motivation in users through the use of game elements. One of themain criticisms moved to the use of gamification for learning purposes is related to the one-size-fits-all approach that tends to characterizemany gamified applications. In this paper we explore the possibilities that can arise from the convergence of Self-Determination Theoryprinciples and machine learning, to improve the efficacy of gamification reward systems.”
Botte, B., Aarts, H., Bakkes, S., &Veltkamp, R. (2022). Motivation through gamification: A Self-Determination Theory perspective for the design of an adaptive reward system. Retrieved May 25, 2022, from
Gamification, self-determination theory, adaptive rewards, research