Study of national heritage sites on the basis of gamification technology
Study of national heritage sites on the basis of gamification technology
Study of national heritage sites on the basis of gamification technology
By FakhriddinNuraliev, Oybek Narzulloev, and SardorIbodullayev
“Continuation of the game technology in the Great Project is the creation of interactive visual content for the study of national historical monuments in the territory of Uzbekistan. The developer visual software system is a software update system that can be fully implemented in the visual presence of our historical cultural sites, visual participation in our national historical sites, introduction of our historical sites to world-class observers, strengthening cultural integration in social distance. Increasing the cognitive activity of those who study historical and cultural sites. Makes the learning process better and more fun.”
Nuraliev, F., Narzulloev, O., &Ibodullayev, S. (2022, January). Study of National Heritage Sites on the basis of ... Retrieved April 7, 2022, from
Gamification, technology, heritage, historical sites, research