The Experience, Dynamics and Artifacts Framework: Towards a Holistic Model for Designing Serious and Entertainment Games
The Experience, Dynamics and Artifacts Framework: Towards a Holistic Model for Designing Serious and Entertainment Games
The Experience, Dynamics and Artifacts Framework: Towards a Holistic Model for Designing Serious and Entertainment Games
By Gabriel Natucci and Marcos Augusto Francisco Borges
“Games have been used by educators as a means for increasing learning retention and providing students with entertainment experiences that go beyond the classroom. However, the process of creating a game for educational purposes (serious game) is segmented into its entertainment structures, which usually are underemployed in a pedagogical application, and in purely educational components, which have been extensively detailed in the literature. This division can hinder the player/learner experience as too much focus in one of these areas can either compromise knowledge acquisition or engagement. To overcome this issue, this work proposes a holistic view of games that includes both learning and entertainment elements, making them indistinguishable in creating either an entertainment or serious game. This notion is further reinforced by reviewing common game design frameworks found in the literature that have an empirical background, and by proposing a unified game design framework that uses elements from the analyzed frameworks and enhances them by including the latest research into game-based learning and serious games guidelines. By proposing a holistic view of games and an accompanying framework, a new way of facing game design is proposed that encourages designers to consider the postgame learning experiences and stimulates educators to take the entertainment aspects of their game more deeply.”
Natucci, G., & Borges, M. A. (2021, June). The experience, dynamics and artifacts framework: Towards a Holistic Model for Designing Serious and Entertainment GamesRetrieved March 25, 2022, from
Game design, human-computer interaction, serious games, educational games, game modeling, game-basedlearning, user experience, games, game development, video game, research