Exploring Teachers’ Perception on Gamification in Online Grammar Teaching
Exploring Teachers’ Perception on Gamification in Online Grammar Teaching
Exploring Teachers’ Perception on Gamification in Online Grammar Teaching
ByAsifayanti, Sukardi Weda, AmirullahAbduh
“This study focuses on analyzing the teacher's perspective in applying gamification in online grammar teaching. Theresearch subjects were four English teachers who teach in junior high schools in Maros Regency. Sampling is doneintentionally or purposive sampling. The details, respectively, are teachers from MangaiMaros Junior High School,8 MallawaCambaMaros Middle School, SalenrangMaros One Roof Middle School, and AngkasaLanudHasanuddinMaros Junior High School. The research instruments were interviews, observation lists, anddocumentation. Based on data analysis, several results were obtained; first, the implementation of gamification intoonline grammar learning is actualized in learning activities. Second, the teacher views that the application ofgamification helps the distance learning system and plays an important role in teaching grammar online. Third, theteacher views that the use of game elements in gamification increases students' participation, attention andmotivation in learning grammar through an online system. The findings show some of the obstacles felt by theteachers, they show that the lack of resources is the main obstacle limiting teachers in implementing gamification inonline grammar classes.”
Asifayanti, Weda, S., &Abduh, A. (2021). Exploring teachers' perception on gamification in online grammar teaching. Retrieved February 25, 2022, from https://ojs.unm.ac.id/PJAHSS/article/view/24113
Gamification, game elements, grammar, online learning, research