Gamification of E-Learning in African Universities: Identifying Adoption Factors Through Task-Technology Fit and Technology Acceptance Model
Gamification of E-Learning in African Universities: Identifying Adoption Factors Through Task-Technology Fit and Technology Acceptance Model
Gamification of E-Learning in African Universities: Identifying Adoption Factors Through Task-Technology Fit and Technology Acceptance Model
By Abdulsalam Salihu Mustafa, Gamal Abdulnaser Alkawsi, Kingsley Ofosu-Ampong, Vanye Zira Vanduhe, Manuel B. Garcia , and Yahia Baashar
“Gamification in education is a strategy of motivating and engaging students by integrating game design features into the instructional process. Although there is a growing body of scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of gamification in the educational setting, some of the evidence is inconclusive and insufficient, especially in developing nations. The purpose of this study is to integrate the technology acceptance model and task technology fit to investigate instructors' intention to use gamified online learning. A sample of 50 participants across various African institutions was involved in this study. Structural equation modelling implemented via partial least squares (PLS) is used to test the research hypotheses. The results revealed that intention to use gamified online learning was significantly and positively influenced by task technology fit, perceived usefulness, and attitude. Notably, subjective norms, facilitating conditions, and computer anxiety failed to predict behavioural intention. The authors discuss the implications of the findings and propose future directions.”
Mustafa, A. S., Alkawsi, G. A., Ofosu-Ampong, K., Vanduhe, V. Z., Garcia, M. B., &; Baashar, Y. (2022). Gamification of e-learning in African universities. Advances in Human and Social Aspects of Technology, 73-96. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-8089-9.ch005
Gamification, education, literature study, technology, research