Features of introduction of components of gamification in the course of development of constructive strategies of overcoming youth’’s life crises
Features of introduction of components of gamification in the course of development of constructive strategies of overcoming youth’’s life crises
Features of introduction of components of gamification in thecourse of development of constructive strategies of overcomingyouth’s life crises
By Hanna Varina, Viacheslav Osadchyi, Olga Goncharova and Serhii Sankov
“Information technology is becoming an integral part of the lives of modern youth, opening wide opportunities for their use in various fields of public practice. The statistics presented in the article on increasing the demand for products of the gaming IT industry update the search for ways to implement components of gamification in the educational space in order to optimize the process of professional development of a competitive specialist. The article
considers the introduction of gamification in the educational process of higher education institutions in order to develop stress resistance of the individual, as a factor in choosing constructive strategies for overcoming life crises in young. Based on the analysis of scientific research, the concept of gamification is investigated. The advantages of using gamification in the educational and psycho correctional process are determined. The use of simulator games
with elements of augmented and virtual reality in the process of development of constructive coping strategies of individual behavior in conditions of uncertainty and overcoming life crises is substantiated. The article presents the experience of interdisciplinary research in the framework of scientific cooperation between STEAM-laboratory, Laboratory of Psychophysiological Research and Laboratory of Health Psychology of Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University. The paper describes in detail the step by-step empirical study on the introduction of gamification components and augmented and
virtual reality technologies in a comprehensive training program aimed at developing resilience, emotional stability, as a predictor of constructive strategies for overcoming life crises in young. The implementation of the experience is described in the implementation of the ascertaining and shaping stages of the study. According to the results, it was found that the implementation of a psycho-correctional program with elements of gamification helped to increase the level of emotional stability and stress resistance of the individual. Representatives of the experimental group, who underwent active training using gamification elements and AR / VR technologies, in contrast to the control group, which did not undergo training, showed significant changes in the choice of constructive strategies for overcoming life crises.”
Varina, H., Osadchvi, V., Goncharova, O., & Sankov, S. (2021). Features of introduction of components of gamification in the course of development of constructive strategies of overcoming youth’s life crises. Retrieved April 27, 2022, from http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3104/paper173.pdf
Gamification, stress resistance, life crises, coping strategies for overcoming life crises, simulation games, augmented reality technology, virtual reality technology, research