The Gamification of Covid-19 Pandemic as an Active Learning Tool in Disaster Education
The Gamification of Covid-19 Pandemic as an Active Learning Tool in Disaster Education
The Gamification of Covid-19 Pandemic as an Active Learning Tool in Disaster Education
Sirinon Suwanmolee, Abd Halim Md Ali
“COVID-19 likely affected our daily life for a long time. Skill to monitor this pandemic is important in order to increase our adaptability particularly during these tough times. Generally, a non-science learner always tends to ignore news related to the scientific contents of COVID-19 as they claimed they are lack of scientific knowledge‘s background. Thus, this work aims to increase their understanding particularly on scientific contents of COVID-19 by integrating disaster education into game mechanics in order to motivate better behavioral outcomes and simultaneously able to increase awareness and scientific knowledge on COVID-19. In this work, we integrate disaster risk management approaches via gamification strategy by introducing game elements such as goals and conflicts and gameful experiences in non-game context called gamification of COVID-19”.
Suwanmolee, S. (2021, February). The Gamification of Covid-19 Pandemic as an Active Learning Tool in Disaster Education. In 6th UPI International Conference on TVET 2020 (TVET 2020) (pp. 365-369). Atlantis Press.
disaster education, COVID-19, active learning, gamification