The role of personal dexterity and incentive gamification to enhance employee learning experience and performance
The role of personal dexterity and incentive gamification to enhance employee learning experience and performance
The role of personal dexterity and incentive gamification to enhance employee learning experience and performance
Ardian Adhiatma, Reni Diah Sari & Olivia Fachrunnisa
“This paper aims to develop a concept of incentive gamification for organizations in the digital era. Incentive gamification is an incentive-based policy using the game pattern. This policy aims to improve performance of employee who works in the marketing department of such e-commerce as an online marketer. This study involves 104 female employees. Data were collected using questionnaire and analysed using regression analysis. The results show that there was a significant positive effect between personal dexterity on learning experience and individual performance. Furthermore, incentive gamification was also proven to moderate the relationship between personal dexterity, learning experience and also employee performance. Theoretical and managerial implication, as well as future research directions are also discussed”.
Adhiatma, A., Sari, R. D., & Fachrunnisa, O. (2021). The role of personal dexterity and incentive gamification to enhance employee learning experience and performance. Cognition, Technology & Work, 1-13.
Gamification, digital, learning experience