Applying Gamification Techniques and Immersive Virtual Reality in Developing an Interactive Training
Applying Gamification Techniques and Immersive Virtual Reality in Developing an Interactive Training
Applying Gamification Techniques and Immersive Virtual Reality in Developing an Interactive Training System for Full-color Powder-Based 3DP
Pai-Hsun Chen
The combination of Virtual Reality (VR) and Gamification techniques can be used to produce fun applications, including virtual space and education content. A previous study developed a prototype interactive training application for Full-color Powder-Based three dimensional printing (3DP) in universities. The purpose of this study is to address problems encountered in the previous study related to teaching, training and practicing 3DP, including complicated operating processes, respiratory tract discomfort caused by the dust produced by the 3DP process, a lack of space in which to conduct multi-person training, and the high cost of consumables. This study therefore developed a 3DP virtual laboratory integrating immersive virtual reality technology and pedagogical 3DP content knowledge.
After user evaluation of the prototype, the authors decided to integrate gamification technologies into the 3DP virtual laboratory prototype, based on user recommendations of how to improve and enhance user motivation.
This study applies the systematic development phases of engineering gamified software in order to integrate the gamification into the 3DP virtual laboratory prototype. Moreover, user evaluations of the game elements designed for the prototype yielded positive feedback with further comments.
Chen, P. H. Applying Gamification Techniques and Immersive Virtual Reality in Developing an Interactive Training System for Full-color Powder-Based 3DP.
immersive Virtual Reality, Gamification, education, 3D printer