Learning Course: Application of Gamification in Teaching Construction and Building Materials Subjects
Learning Course: Application of Gamification in Teaching Construction and Building Materials Subjects
Learning Course: Application of Gamification in Teaching Construction and Building Materials Subjects
By Encarnación Reyes, Jaime C. Gálvez, and Alejandro Enfedaque
“This paper presents the experience of a group of Construction and Building Materials
lecturers following the introduction of a new contest-based gamification activity aimed at improving interest and learning outcomes in the course. Students’ motivation is of key importance in utilizing educational activities for study and learning in the subject. Evaluation is essential and, therefore, the proposed action makes it possible to earn an extra point in the continuous evaluation that contributes to passing the subject. The outcomes obtained in the first academic year in which this learning contest was implemented allow us to conclude that the activity had positive effects on motivation and the learning process, as well as on the number of students passing the subject. The students’ opinion about the activity was very positive.”
Reyes, E., Gálvez, J. C., & Enfedaque, A. (2021, June 9). (PDF) Learning course: Application of gamification in Teaching Construction and Building Materials Subjects. Retrieved October 26, 2021, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352260430_Learning_Course_Application_of_Gamification_in_Teaching_Construction_and_Building_Materials_Subjects
Gamification, active learning, cooperative learning, research