Educational gamification and artificial intelligence for promoting digital literacy
Educational gamification and artificial intelligence for promoting digital literacy
Educational gamification and artificial intelligence for promoting digital literacy
Shamini Koravuna, Uday Kumar Surepally
"There is a need for promoting digital literacy and providing education for all especially women of the world to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Groups (UNSDGs) 4 and 5 quality education and gender equality. The field of education is continuously exploring the methods to respond to the fast-approaching impact of artificial intelligence across all sectors and fields including its own. Right from e- commerce to health care to education, in every sector, the intervention of artificial intelligence has increased multifold. Especially in education, it is more as artificial intelligence systems can adapt to individual student learning and grasping abilities to give hyper-personalized learning experience. In addition to AI, involving gamification would be an add-on that would lead to better user engagement and encourages them to be continuous learners, it also converts the conventional classroom experience into a competitive multi-player gaming and learning platform, and efforts can be put to promote digital literacy among them while both AI and gamification is being implemented."
Koravuna, S., & Surepally, U. K. (2020, September). Educational gamification and artificial intelligence for promoting digital literacy. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Computing Applications (pp. 1-6).
education, games, gamification, literacy