Chapter 31: Teaching with games and gamification: best practices and future research needs
Chapter 31: Teaching with games and gamification: best practices and future research needs
Chapter 31: Teaching with games and gamification: best practices and future research needs
Kristina N. Bauer, Caribay Garcia-Marquez and Daniel A. Gandara
“The use of technology in training and education is on the rise, including game-based learning and gamification of learning. Yet, simply converting traditional instruction to an online format can be ineffective. Proper design, by leveraging technology’s capabilities, is key to effective technology-enabled instruction. In this chapter, the literature on game-based learning and gamification are reviewed in the context of two key theories (input-process-outcome model of game-based learning and the theory of gamified learning) in order to provide research-based design recommendations for management, leadership, and business educators and trainers. To illustrate the design recommendations, examples of the use of the recommendations are provided as well as suggested resources for using game-based or gamified learning. The chapter closes with recommendations for future research.”
Bauer, K. N., Garcia-Marquez, C., & Gandara, D. A. (2020). Teaching with games and gamification: best practices and future research needs. In Handbook of Teaching with Technology in Management, Leadership, and Business. Edward Elgar Publishing.
games, gamification