How AI-powered gamification in education increases student engagement
How AI-powered gamification in education increases student engagement
How AI-powered gamification in education increases student engagement
By Aarul Malviya
December 8, 2023
With AI taking personalisation to new levels, AI-powered gamification has made learning even more learner-centric, individualised and more engaging than ever.
AI-powered gamification increases student engagement and motivation in several ways.
Just as a game or a sporting environment brings out the so-called 'free spirit' of a child presenting his most easy-going and creative self, leading to a more intense and active engagement, gamification of learning ensures that he exhibits a similar behaviour while receiving classroom lessons.
The intrinsic motivation would be the hook for lifelong learning as it focuses on the fun and enjoyment of learning which also seeks to satisfy the psychological need for competence and autonomy in a student.
AI not only diagnoses the strengths or gaps in student knowledge but also provides automated feedback at every stage of learning.
Instils affinity for learning With AI-enabled gamification leading to greater autonomy and hyper-personalisation of learning, there is a heightened sense of ownership over their learning for students.
AI and gamification can motivate and increase student engagement immensely.
Malviya, A. (2023, December 8). How AI-powered gamification in education increases student engagement.