A Serious Case for More Play at Work
A Serious Case for More Play at Work
A Serious Case for More Play at Work
By Alexandra Suchman
February 07, 2023
You need to work fast, and you need to work together.
You're trying to understand what work still needs to be done so you can make a revised plan to meet the new deadline.
How We Show Up at Work Too often, it takes extraordinary circumstances to understand how our colleagues handle pressure at work, and what their true personalities are like.
Building Team Resilience Through Play The concept of playing while at work is controversial.
Some people think work time should be all serious, all the time.
Players must work together to achieve a specific goal within a given set of parameters-instructions, time limits, equipment, and number of people, among others.
They put you and your colleagues under pressure to work together to solve a problem but in a low-stakes environment where you can see how people show up under different circumstances.
Suchman, A. (2023, February 7). A serious case for more play at work: ATD. Main. https://www.td.org/atd-blog/a-serious-case-for-more-play-at-work