What is a Wargame?: A Case Study
What is a Wargame?: A Case Study
What is a Wargame?: A Case Study
By Liz Davidson,
May 12, 2023
In this thought-provoking exploration, Liz Davidson grapples with the elusive question of what constitutes a wargame, drawing parallels with her experiences in defining religion during her Ph.D. in Ancient Christianity. She emphasizes the inherent messiness of definitions, arguing that overcommitting to one can hinder meaningful conversations. Davidson delves into the ambiguity within the wargaming community, noting the slippage between terms like wargame, conflict simulation, and historical game. She presents a case study involving two seemingly different games, Flashpoint: South China Sea and Votes for Women, which share structural similarities yet receive disparate categorizations. Davidson suggests that the treatment discrepancy may be influenced by factors such as the gender of the designer, the designer's reputation, and the game's visibility. She concludes by advocating for a more inclusive and flexible understanding of wargames, aligning with the evolving nature of the hobby and encouraging diverse contributions that enrich discussions about both games and history. In embracing this change, Davidson envisions a vibrant future for wargaming that defies stereotypes and contributes positively to the evolving cultural landscape.
Davidson, L. (2023, May 12). What is a Wargame?: A Case Study. Retrieved from https://www.beyondsolitaire.net/blog/what-is-a-wargame-a-case-study