Gaming In Education: What Are the Benefits?
Gaming In Education: What Are the Benefits?
Gaming In Education: What Are the Benefits?
November 10, 2022
By the age of 20, they have accumulated an average of 30,000 hours of gaming.
Studies has shown many benefits to playing games in the classroom.
Bright Hub Education describes game-based education as a method of teaching that allows learners to engage in different parts of games.
Students who love gaming don't mind digital obstacles and are open to solving problems, no matter how complex they may be.
This allows them to use gaming to match educational goals.
Students can learn these skills through games in an integrated learning environment.
Games can be perceived more as entertainment than as a learning tool for students.
GAMESREVIEWS. (2022, November 10). Gaming in education: What are the benefits? Retrieved November 17, 2022, from