Serious Games for Education
Serious Games for Education
Serious Games for Education
March 29, 2022
By Arlette AudiffredHinojosa
"The serious games are designed for a formative purpose rather than entertainment. This type of game places the player or learner in a particular context to develop a specific knowledge or skill." - Observatory of Educational Innovation Implementation of serious games in class In the subject "Thinking Skills" offered in the second semester at Prepa Tec to a class in the Multicultural Education program, we address the issue of inequality through serious games.
We use video games and virtual simulations with social themes to promote the intercultural competencies of the students of the Prepa Tec campus in Morelia to achieve the following objectives: Help students empathize and identify with other people from other countries and cultures.
The students had an activity to play a serious game previously selected by the teacher, relevant to the class topic.
The total hours' students dedicate to playing video games.
In the survey, we asked the students about their favorite games to know a little more about their preferences and what type of game was most popular.
Table 1 shows the social topic study addressed, the serious game used, the modality in which the activity was developed, and the pedagogical instructions to make the most of these simulation tools for student learning.
Of the five serious games that the students played, the one they liked the most was SPEND. Image 6.
Hinojosa, A. (2022, March 29). Serious games for education - observatory: Institute for the future of education. Retrieved April 4, 2022, from