Gamification: The New Gen Education?
Gamification: The New Gen Education?
Gamification: The New Gen Education?
March 29, 2022
By Nayan Panda
Gamification of learning is an educational strategy that uses video game-inspired design and elements in a learning environment to inspire students while superlating their enjoyment and engagement.
Game-based learning is another active learning strategy in which games are utilised to help students learn more effectively.
Learning occurs as a result of playing the game, which encourages critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Game-based learning can be done with digital or non-digital games, and it can also involve simulations that allow students to get a personal experience with the content.
Assessing the hard-to-get points and problems in the given topic, and identifying the environment while acknowledging the interest of the learners.
Games naturally intrigue a student's mind and give the idea of 'learning together' a much-needed brush-up.
Given the social connections, immediate feedback system and assimilating learning process, what makes most of today's smart learning still inspired by archaic methods instead? It is so because, while gamification and gamified topics might be ideal to assuage elementary basics of a topic, it can soon become pretty challenging to sustain in the longer run.
Panda, N. (2022, March 29). Gamification: The new gen education?: Digit. Retrieved April 4, 2022, from