How Do We Engage Children and Young People in the Design and Development Of Mental Health Games
How Do We Engage Children and Young People in the Design and Development Of Mental Health Games
Michael John Saiger
"Game design for mental health games is challenging balancing the mental health goals and the engagement of users. A poten-tial approach to designing mental health games is through user involvement methods such as participatory design, co-design and user-centred design. User involvement methods give users a ‘voice’ in the design of products and services, involving them in the design, implementation and evaluation of a product. However, there is actually very little guidance how to successfully involve young people within the design and development of applied games. In presenting my research and future plans of my PhD, I discuss how we can engage young people through user involvement methods for the design of mental health games."
Saiger, M. J. (2023, June). How do we engage children and young people in the design and development of mental health games?
Game Design, User Involvement, Applied Computing