Harnessing the Power of Games for E-learning in Higher Education
Harnessing the Power of Games for E-learning in Higher Education
Harnessing the Power of Games for E-learning in Higher Education
Fatima Vapiwala, Deepika Pandita
"Learners nowadays are susceptible to stress and boredom due to the prevalence of e-learning. Young adults form their personalities in the context of dynamic networks that heavily depend on technological advances. As a way to involve learners, game-based learning refers to the adoption of some gaming ideas and their adaptation to actual contexts. Computer and video games can give e-learners the opportunity to engage in educational strategies that emphasize practical immersion and are accompanied by frameworks that foster competence, professionalism, and creative thinking. Through this study, the authors explore the use of game-based learning in the higher education sector in India. The authors aim to understand e-learners’ perceptions regarding game-based learning especially as elearning is growing in popularity and to bring out the various factors that contribute to the success of game-based learning in higher education. Based on the study, the authors also propose a 6C Strategy Model highlighting various strategies that faculty members and educators can use. The model will enable faculty members to effectively utilize game-based learning to keep the e-learners motivated and engaged throughout the e-learning process."
Vapiwala, F., & Pandita, D. (2022, November). Harnessing the Power of Games for E-learning in Higher Education. In 2022 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT) (pp. 333-337). IEEE. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9990065
Video games, Technological innovation, Electronic learning