Professional and pedagogical training of future students of higher education with elements of gamification
Professional and pedagogical training of future students of higher education with elements of gamification
Professional and pedagogical training of future students of higher education with elements of gamification
Olena Samodumska, Tamara Pushkarova, Oleksandr Hrytsenko, Maryna Zahorulko, Iryna Pshenychna
"In particular, in order to comprehensively provide applicants with the necessary didactic and developmental materials, to create a functional educational space, it is advisable to use gamification as a promising method to improve the educational process. This paper reviews research publications reflecting the degree of effectiveness and functional possibilities of game mechanics application in the educational environment. It has been established that the application of game mechanics has a particularly effective effect on career guidance processes. The augmented reality technology contributes to the learning material assimilation, and the game learning environment allows future students to realize their creative potential."
Samodumska, O., Pushkarova, T., Hrytsenko, O., Zahorulko, M., & Pshenychna, I. (2022). Professional and pedagogical training of future students of higher education with elements of gamification. Revista Eduweb, 16(4), 52-64.
educational, learning, functional