Gamification Effectiveness in e-Learning Systems
Gamification Effectiveness in e-Learning Systems
Gamification Effectiveness in e-Learning Systems
Milos Ilic, Vladimir Mikić, Lazar Kopanja, Boban Vesin
"E-learning systems are software applications used to deliver online learning. They are proven tools that can enhance the entire learning process and improve student performance, but they face some issues, such as low learner engagement, a lack of motivation, and early course dropout. Gamification, which finds application in many areas, has also been recognized as the solution to these e-learning problems. Gamification utilizes games' potential to create effective e-learning environments more attractive to learners than standard e-learning systems. This paper provides an analysis of gamification and its effectiveness in e-learning for solving difficulties that traditional e-learning systems are unable to address, as well as the usage of game elements for this purpose."
Ilić, M., Mikić, V., Kopanja, L., & Vesin, B. Gamification Effectiveness in e-Learning Systems.
e-learning, systems, process