Future Prospect of Gamification-Based Mobile in Physics Learning
Future Prospect of Gamification-Based Mobile in Physics Learning
Future Prospect of Gamification-Based Mobile in Physics Learning
Mohd Zaidi Bin Amiruddin, Widyana Zuhrotun Nisa', Sitti Maizatul Iqma Binti Rahman, Nur Aida Maryani Binti Saini
"The development of gamification in the world of education today continues to grow. This study aims to find trends, distributions, contributions, and effects of gamification research in various sectors, especially in education, in the last ten years. The Research uses quantitative Research in the form of bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database with the help of visualization from VOSViewer. The results of this analysis show that in 2012-2021 (the last ten years), gamification increased yearly. In addition, the distribution and contribution of gamification are very beneficial for the world of education, with the note that it must be prepared carefully to produce positive outputs. For further Research, it is expected to continue to develop the field of gamification-based mobile in physics learning so that it can be an alternative to various educational levels included in physics learning."
Amiruddin, M. Z. B., Nisa, W. Z., Rahman, S. M. I. B., & Saini, N. A. M. B. (2022). Future Prospect of Gamification-Based Mobile in Physics Learning. JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains), 12(1), 40-55. https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jpps/article/view/19451
gamification, research, physics