Is Game-based Learning as a Computer Game a Benefit for Teaching?
Is Game-based Learning as a Computer Game a Benefit for Teaching?
Is Game-based Learning as a Computer Game a Benefit for Teaching?
Hans-Georg Reimer, Felix Gers and Steffen Prowe
"Game-based learning (GBL) has gained increasing attention in different areas of school and university teaching and industrial training. We apply game-based learning to laboratory exercises in microbiology. These are com posed of a complex ensemble of interconnected parallel processes. Using a game-based simulation, students should get the opportunity to independent and realistic preparation for the experiments. This asks for special requirements in the graphical user interface of the game-based learning application. It should promote independent learning and render the virtual operations in the game transferable to the real laboratory. To do this, the user interface must provide context-sensitive help, give immediate feedback, and contain an evaluation and reward system. We demonstrate the realization of the user interface of the game-based learning application as a virtual laboratory including an assistant as an avatar. The application has been evaluated quan titatively in a field trial with students in a real laboratory. The analysis of the results shows the added value of the application for the participants. It demonstrates in particular the ease of learning and the usability of the interface, as well as an increase in effectiveness for participants using the game-based application."
Reimer, H. G., Gers, F., & Prowe, S. (2022, November). Is Game-based Learning as a Computer Game a Benefit for Teaching?. In Online-Labs in Education (pp. 485-490). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
Game-Based Learning, Virtual Laboratory, Evaluation