AI-based multidisciplinary framework to assess the impact of gamified video-based learning through schema and emotion analysis
AI-based multidisciplinary framework to assess the impact of gamified video-based learning through schema and emotion analysis
AI-based multidisciplinary framework to assess the impact of gamified video-based learning through schema and emotion analysis
Anjana Junius Vidanaralage, Anuja Thimali Dharmaratne, Shamsul Haque
"As a natural and continual process, the initial learning stages encompass mastering and recalling basic facts. The process proves effective with the integration of new information with pre-existing knowledge characterised as schema to facilitate memory encoding. Additionally, emotions also have the ability to modulate human cognition in terms of learning and memory. The recent advent of gamification in e-learning, which has garnered much scholarly and industrial interest, necessitates a thorough examination between video-based learning and its subsequent implications on schema, emotions, and gamification."
Vidanaralage, A. J., Dharmaratne, A. T., & Haque, S. (2022). AI-based multidisciplinary framework to assess the impact of gamified video-based learning through schema and emotion analysis. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3, 100109.
Artificial intelligence, Education technology, Emotion recognition