VR-based rehabilitation of cognitive functions among stroke-survivors
VR-based rehabilitation of cognitive functions among stroke-survivors
VR-based rehabilitation of cognitive functions among stroke-survivors
By Severin A. Eliassen, Harald Soleim, Atle B. Geitung, and Lars Peder V. Bovim
“Stroke is one of the most common causes of long-term disability, with the risk of decreased cognitive functioning, resulting in a significant need for rehabilitation modalities. For modalities to be effective, there is an increasing focus on making them motivating and individualized. This study implements and tests two immersive Virtual Reality (VR) based games aimed at cognitive rehabilitation. The Box Painting Game and The Plane Game were developed in iterations with health professionals. The games are customizable for the therapist by using a computer or a tablet application. The usability and usefulness of the proposed solution were evaluated via the system usability scale (SUS) and semi-structured interviews in two iterations. These included four health professionals. Evaluations show that the games’ usability is acceptable and has the potential to increase the engagement and motivation of stroke survivors.”
Eliassen, S. A., Soleim, H., Geitung, A. B., & Bovim, L. P. V. (2022). VR-based rehabilitation of cognitive functions among stroke-survivors. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3264/HEDA22_paper_12.pdf
virtual reality, cognitive functions, stroke, rehabilitation, interventions, serious games